Twix Candy Bar Brownies – Leftover Halloween Candy Recipe – Leftover Halloween candy piling up in the kitchen? Take those leftover Twix bars and make these Twix Candy Bar Brownies!
“Shared with permission from Cathy at”
We just bought a house and we’ve moved out of our lovely apartment. While I’m sad to leave our amazing apartment behind, I’m so excited about our house, about decorating it for Halloween this year and about the fact that might actually get Trick-Or-Treaters this year!
Leftover candy just happens around here and these Twix Candy Bar Brownies are a great way to use it up. – Angie, Southern Halloween Queen
I have a feeling though that even if we do have Trick-or-Treaters that we will probably have leftover candy. I’m guessing that you normally have leftover Halloween candy too which is why you’re here.
These Twix Candy Bar Brownies are the perfect way to use up those Twix bars but don’t forget that you could also make these with any other kind of candy bars!
Twix Candy Bar Brownies
Cathy says,
It’s that time of year when the house is stuffed to the gills with candy. It’s seriously coming out of my ears and cupboards at this point. As a result, I have to find things to do with all the candy I have somehow accumulated. And honestly, I love baking with it. In the past, I’ve made this cake, and these other brownies. It’s a great way to spread the chocolate love.
Reposted with permission from Cathy at
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Cathy blogs at – Cathy says that is a place for her to share food, family, travel and lifestyle interests. She says that she loves to cook, but mostly she loves to eat. She walks 5.2 miles a day just to be able to eat what she wants (within reason)!
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